Inner Breath
Discover the photography exhibition "Inner Breath" that took place from April 20 to 30, 2024, at the prestigious Victoria Gallery in Iași, Romania. The opening was honored by the presence of curator Prof. Dr. Ioan Răducea and special guest, Deacon Nicolae Hulpoi, PhD in Educational Sciences.
The series of 16 photographs emerged from a profound personal need to understand and consciously experience a sincere connection with the divine. Through this project, I explored the state of solitude to which a person may subject themselves, seeking inner peace and the presence of creative grace. By practicing the prayer of the heart and meditating on death, my goal was to achieve true unity with God.
In the photographs, the black robe worn by the character is seen as a symbol of their inner emptiness and sacrifice. Through this garment, the character expresses their willingness to confront their weaknesses and evolve toward a deeper union with the divine. Throughout their journey, the protagonist goes through various emotional states, such as anger, despair, and peace.
*"Inner Breath" is an invitation to the audience to enter my inner world, to feel, and to reflect on their own spiritual and emotional journey. The Victoria Gallery in Iași became a space for introspection and connection with the divine, offering a unique experience to each visitor.
”In his works, the idea of shadow is presented, embodied by a character seeking to open a new path toward spirituality, starting from the essence of earthly elements. This spiritual tone is what constitutes the salt and pepper of this exhibition.”
Prof. Dr. Ioan Răducea
”I was pleasantly surprised by how Cristian managed to metamorphose, metabolize, and distance himself from certain clichés that are very tempting for those initiated into the monastic world. What he has created is a new projection of the monastic ideal within a rethought and reimagined framework.”
Deacon Nicolae Hulpoi – PhD in Educational Sciences